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Home > The Plant Centre > Trees for your Garden > Trees > Tree Ferns

Majestic decoration for your garden

Thriving mostly in dappled shade and damper soil, tree ferns will add charm to the darker places in your garden with their delicate foliage. Native to Australia and Tasmania, tree ferns are usually characterised by the fronds that develop on their shoots and are incredibly easy to maintain.


Add texture and colour to your space

Tree ferns are a great way to add texture and depth to your garden and, as they’re so easy to grow, they’re a great specie for gardening newbies. When choosing a tree fern, think about how you want it to look – and where it will be placed. From a range of luscious green shades, the choice of evergreen or deciduous foliage and different styles; tree ferns offer a range of possibilities.


Popular species

As we’re a hardy plant centre, we predominately stock dicksonia antarctica tree ferns which are evergreen species that last all year round. If you’re looking for something a little different, speak to a member of the team. In addition to our stocked plants, we can also source unique and unusual plants to add a quirky look to your garden.

Dicksonia Antarctica

One of the oldest plants in the world, the dicksonia antarctica is also one of the easier tree ferns to grow. Being a hardy plant, it suits the British climate perfectly.


What you need to know


New tree ferns need to be watered on a regular basis for the first 12 months. Once matured, they will only need watering during long dry spells.


With the first soil, tree ferns will need little additional feeding. You can provide further nutrients to your ferns through the addition of garden compost.


Refrain from cutting your fronds until they’re brown or starting to droop. During the winter, protect your fern from the cold to reduce dead fronds.